Kanpur: A few days ago, when the news of actress Hina Khan suffering from breast cancer came out, crores of people were shocked. Before Hina Khan, actresses Chhavi Mittal and Mumtaz also had breast cancer. These are only those celebrities who struggled with breast cancer. But, millions of women in the country and the world are becoming victims of breast cancer.
Smart bra prepared at IIT Kanpur: To identify this disease on time, for the first time a bra with modern technology has been prepared at IIT Kanpur which after wearing will help women to know whether they have breast cancer or not. The special thing is that it has to be worn for just one minute in the whole day and it will provide you with all the data.
App based bra made in one year: This lifestyle device has been made in just about one year. IIT experts claim that no such device is available in the market in the country and the world till now.
How did a Kanpur IIT student get this unique idea: Research Fellow Shreya Nair (Mumbai) told about the sensor based device that she decided to develop this device a year ago when she saw women suffering from breast cancer in many hospitals. Most of the women said that they were not aware of the symptoms. So she thought that there should be a device that would indicate to women in time whether they can get themselves checked or not.
How will the device work: In collaboration with senior professors at IIT Kanpur, a device that can be worn inside the bra was created, which is completely chargeable. To use it, women will have to connect it to a mobile app in their smartphone just like a smartwatch. In which data related to their breasts will appear daily. At the same time, if there are symptoms of cancer, the device will give suggestions for doctor checkup through message.
The device will be available in one and a half years, the price may be 5 thousand rupees: Shreya told that the prototype of the device has been made. The device will be available in the market within about one and a half years. The average price of the device will be up to 5 thousand rupees. Clinical trials of the device are going on. First of all, some devices will be made in IIT Kanpur itself.
Features of app based bra
- This device is portable, it can be carried anywhere.
- Once charged, the device can be used comfortably for up to a month.
- The device needs to be worn for only one minute (minimum) a day.
- It will be necessary to feed data related to every woman’s lifestyle into the device.
- The device will remain charged for 24 hours every day.
This product is made under the International Bio Design Program: Regarding this device, senior professor of IIT Kanpur, Amitabh Bandopadhyay said that under the International Bio Design Program started by the Department of Biotechnology of the Central Government, we have made a bra (lifestyle device) with modern technology.
Experts from IIT Kanpur and KGMU worked together: This device will prove helpful in identifying the symptoms of breast cancer in women and providing information. The prototype of the device has been made. We have got success. Till now such a device has not been made anywhere in the world. Experts from IIT Kanpur and KGMU have worked together for this device.