A flag-off ceremony took place on the premises of Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar on 5th May 2023 as a part of Yuva Sangam Phase 2. The idea of Yuva Sangam was first introduced by our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narender Modi Ji to promote the enhancement of connections between cultures of different states via tourism, music, culture, learning languages, and traditions. The event marked the departure of 45 youngsters from Punjab along with 5 faculty members from NIT Jalandhar to IIT Bombay.

The ceremony was graced by Prof. Binod Kumar Kanaujia (Director, NITJ), Shri Ashesh Agrawal (Chief guest and General Manager of Rail Coach Factory, Kapurthala), Dr. Anish Sachdeva (Dean Student Welfare), and Dr. Jaspreet Kaur Rajput (Associate Dean Student Welfare), the organizing team of Yuva Sangam, faculty members and students of NIT Jalandhar. The ceremony began with a brief interaction of the Director, Prof. Binod Kumar Kanaujia with the delegates. In his talk, he shared words of wisdom with the members. Shri Ashesh Agrawal, the Chief Guest was felicitated by the institute and his kind words instilled the delegates and faculty members with a spark of enthusiasm. The youth looked excited to embark on a new journey which would help them savour the culture of Maharashtra. The flag-off ceremony concluded near the administrative block of the institute, as good wishes poured in for the departing delegates.